Current Conditions at Glade Spring, VA

Last update:
07/27/24 4:46a
Current Today's High Today's Low Monthly High Monthly Low Yearly High Yearly Low
Temperature 61.6°F 67.9°F - 12:00a 61.6°F - 4:43a 93.2°F 54.9°F 93.2°F -3.4°F
Wind NE - 0.0 mph 0.0 mph - ----   23.0 mph   39.0 mph  
Wind Chill 61.6°F   62.0°F - 3:44a   55.0°F   -4.0°F
Heat Index 62.4°F 70.0°F - 12:00a   107.0°F   107.0°F  
Humidity 100% 100% - 3:23a 94% - 12:00a 100% 46% 100% 22%
Barometer 30.038 in - Steady 30.061 in - 1:20a 30.035 in - 4:34a 30.182 in 29.758 in 30.802 in 29.139 in
Dew Point 61.6°F 66.0°F - 12:00a 62.0°F - 3:44a 80.0°F 52.0°F 80.0°F -6.0°F

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Forecast Powered by Weather Underground

Sunrise: 6:29a 10 Minute Average Wind Speed:  0.0 mph Sunset: 8:37p

Records and averages recorded by this station for July 27th

Record High Temperature:   91.0° in 2016
Average High Temperature:   83.8°
Lowest High Temperature:   74.6° in 2014
Record Low Temperature:   55.9° in 2019
Average Low Temperature:   64.0°
Highest Low Temperature:   69.1° in 2022
Record Wind Gust:   19.0 mph in 2006
Record Rainfall:   0.55 inches in 2009

Records recorded by this station for the month of July

Record High Temperature:   93.8° on 7/1/2012
Record Low Temperature:   45.1° on 7/2/2008
Record Wind Gust:   39.0 mph on 7/22/2008
Record Rainfall:   7.05 inches in 2022

All-time records recorded by this station since January 25th, 2006

Record High Temperature:   98.2° on 6/30/2012
Record Low Temperature:   -15.1° on 2/20/2015
Record Wind Gust:   58.0 mph on 10/25/2010
Record Daily Rainfall:   2.56 inches on 5/12/2017
Record Yearly Rainfall:   53.72 inches in 2020

Computer Room Temperature: 75.9
Computer Room Humidity: 46%